Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blogger Eh?

It’s a funny thing about blogs; if you plan to write them, but never do, really their not much good. As you can tell I’ve not spent much time writing on mine. I’m not much for New Years resolutions so I won’t make one now, but I will put forward a better effort to write on my blog this year. (For those millions and millions of adorning fans J)

As for this blog entry I wanted to spill my thoughts about Asheville. When I first moved here I wrote a letter describing my feelings, it was published in the Mountain X, http://www.mountainx.com/opinion/2006/0712letters.php, it was entitled “Something Different this way comes.” In that letter I tell of my love and hope for this great city. The longer I live here the more this hope grows to be true.

I’m not writing this blog to simply repeat my thoughts but to dive deeper into the reason we came here. My wife and I came here with the thought that we could start a church. At first this made no sense, the “bible belt” needs no more churches. After being here it’s become clearer; the “bible belt” needs no more of the same churches.

I recently watched a local preacher on T.V that declared his church would never change. That statement made me so very sad. This was the type of church that condemned all and accepted only those people who “looked” and “acted” like themselves. The fact that they weren’t ready to change affirmed our reason for coming.

We didn’t come here to set up yet another “bible belt” church. We came here to introduce the loving, caring, accepting, understanding God these church’s claim to worship. We came here with hope, love and peace and willingness to become part of this great community. We came here because we love God but hated church; we’ve found so many people who fall into this same category.

We want to thank-you Asheville for allowing us to be a part of you. For allowing us to learn, grow and develop into a place where people can find this message of love.

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